Module loglan_db.model_db.base_author
This module contains a basic Author Model
Base Author's DB Model
Describes a table structure for storing information about words authors.
Connects with words with "many-to-many" relationship. See
.Show Examples
{'id': 13, 'full_name': 'James Cooke Brown', 'abbreviation': 'JCB', 'notes': ''} {'id': 29, 'full_name': 'Loglan 4&5', 'abbreviation': 'L4', 'notes': 'The printed-on-paper book, 1975 version of the dictionary.'}
A simple constructor that allows initialization from kwargs.
Sets attributes on the constructed instance using the names and values in
.Only keys that are present as attributes of the instance's class are allowed. These could be, for example, any mapped columns or relationships.
Instance variables
Author's abbreviation (used in the LOD dictionary)
str : max_length=64, nullable=False, unique=TrueExample
Relationship query for getting a list of words coined by this author query : Optional[List[BaseWord]]
Author's full name (if exists)
str : max_length=64, nullable=True, unique=FalseExample
James Cooke Brown, Loglan 4&5
Author's internal ID number
int : primary_key=True -
Any additional information about author
str : max_length=128, nullable=True, unique=False
Inherited members